Friday, October 30, 2009

Roadtrip through the Southeast: The Biltmore

On our last day in NC, we spent the day touring the Biltmore Estate. It was, in a word, "immaculate." We toured the beautiful home and expansive gardens, and after all that walking, we needed fluids! So we headed to the winery for a little tasting (and purchasing).

Roadtrip through the Southeast: Blue Ridge Parkway

Back in June, we headed south to Florida for a good friend's bridal shower/bachelorette party(blogged earlier). On the way back to the great state of MI, we spent a week driving through GA, NC, and TN. Here are a few photos from the Blue Ridge Parkway!

One Year Anniversary!
(Playing catch up)

For our 1 year, we had an amazing dinner and our anniversary cake! I had to try a couple of ring shots...